About Me

Welcome to my blog!

I am glad you decided to keep reading and stumbled upon my first post. My name is Abby Brock and I am a sophomore marketing and public relations major at Ohio Northern University. I am from a suburb outside of Akron, OH and have lived there all my life. This blog is going to be about many things but a few that you’ll see are: the way social media/public relations/ marketing is affecting our world today through different companies, products, or new research; things happening at Northern; you’ll learn a little about me and my story; and you’ll see a few (mandatory) book reflections.

I am involved in many organizations on campus. I am in Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) which allows me to grow professionally and build connections with professionals in my area of studies. I am a member of Student Planning Committee (SPC) which holds 10-15 free events every semester, campus wide. Lastly, I am a member of the Kappa Phi Christian women’s club. I also work two on campus jobs. One is for ONU Phonathon where I work as a Student Fundraiser. This means I get to talk to thousands of alumni from Ohio Northern and politely ask for them to give me money (or get screamed at, hung up on, insulted). Last year I was able to raise $17,000, individually, for the university. I love being a student caller and the worth that it gives me. I also am a student desk worker for the Office of Alumni Relations.

Outside of school, I have a lot of interests. I love the water. My family has a house in Marblehead, OH on Lake Erie. We visit the Florida Keys about every two years and it is one of my favorite places to visit in Florida. Family is a huge part of who I am. We are big and loud and mighty and have been through the hardest times. But we stick together. I love cooking and baking! In the past two years, I got into healthy eating, so I love being able to make my own food and energize my body. On the other hand, I make mean desserts. I love to travel or finding new places within my area. I want to travel more than I can, so I try to find unique things to see in my city or even all of Ohio. I have a Fitbit which means I’m obsessed with trying to get my steps in. I try to be active everyday but I am incredibly lazy. It’s a love-hate relationship.

Just because this blog has “brilliant” in the title does not mean the content is above your average second year PR student quality. I believe everyone is on the verge of something brilliant, something remarkable. This has been a mantra of mine; find my brilliance. I challenge you to find yours as well.


  1. Hello Abby! It is nice to meet you. It looks as if we have some things in common! I too have jobs on campus. I am a student worker in the engineering dean's office and the registrar's office as well as editor in chief of The Northern Yearbook. Your job personally sounds quite terrifying to me! I tend to get nervous calling people I do not know so I could not imagine doing that as a job, let alone asking people for money! I have also been to the Florida Keys. My mother has a cousin who we once visited there awhile back and it was amazing. Have you ever gone hunting for shark teeth? Finally, I also like to track my steps and attempt to eat healthy, but I do not do very well. I am sure you do much better than I do! I can't wait to see what you have to share/say in the future!

  2. Hey Abby! I loved reading your first post to learn a little more about you. I'm excited to hear your take on how social media affects our world and how it compares to mine. I'm looking forward to more posts in the future.

  3. Hi Abby! I'm Moe from Japan. I love your mantra because it taught me how important it is to find my brilliance. I've never thought about it. I can't wait you teach me many those great words and thinking way and about you!

  4. Hey Abby! So glad I got the chance to read this and get to know more about you. I love how involved and committed you are to your activities and I definitely agree with the love- hate relationship with exercise. But at least you have stayed so committed to it! I can't wait to read more on what you have to say.


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