I Got hypnotized!

As I have stated before, I am in multiple organizations on campus. One of them is SPC, Student Planning Committee. Over the past weekend, SPC brought, Frederick Winters, a comedian hypnotist. Winters is SPC’s biggest and most popular event. For the last 20 years, this show has come to campus and been a huge hit. The show consists of Winters individually picking 15-20 students and bringing them on stage to be hypnotized. It truly is a can't miss event at Ohio Northern.

Well, I was in the show and I was, without a doubt, hypnotized! I am going to take you through what it felt like to be under his ~spell. 

1. Going Under 
To become hypnotized, Winters asked us to relax and listen to his voice. We stared at this light as creepy music played in the background. Some were excused off the stage if they did not fall under. I remember feeling very tired and slowly falling into a sleep. I felt very heavy. Since I was "asleep" during the show, a lot of what I am telling you comes from memories after people told them to me or some of things I did concretely remember. 

2. Following “Commands”
Once he believed we were all as deep in hypnosis as we could be, the fun started happening (from what I am told). Like I said, I don’t remember a lot, but as people told me what happened or showed me videos, I started remembering. Winters told the students multiple scenarios and we just went along with EVERYTHING. We milked cows, caught a mermaid, went to a nude beach. All I can tell you during those times was that I knew what I was doing but I just didn’t care. I didn’t care that it was crazy to be milking a fake cow or that I caught a mermaid. Everything just felt normal and I reacted in an overjoyed way. 
This was after lifting weights and he told
us to strike a sexy pose. 

3. Speaking 
Winters would ask us a lot of questions during these scenarios we were living. From a video I watched of myself, he had us believe the men were pregnant. He told the ladies to give advice. When it came to me, I told the men to use nipple cream. No idea why and I don't recall saying it. Nor do I know form personally experience. 

4. Actions
Winters also had us do things. He told us we were the strongest people on the earth and that we were in a weightlifting competition. We all stood in front of our respected weights and lifted them. This was probably the most unflattering video of myself. All I remember from this part was that it was very heavy and I struggled to lift it. 

5. Waking Up 
I do remember that a lot of the show was focused on the guys he had onstage. The PR in me believes this is because they were giving a better show than us ladies. Winters has an image, comedian, to uphold so he continued with the funnier people. I remember a lot of the things that other people did because, like I said, I was completely conscious of what was happening. One guy believed that the gym was leaking poisonous gas and he had to save everyone. He was pulling people and running them out of the gym. As the people in the stands laughed, I remember just watching and feeling very out of it. 

When the show was over, he woke us all up from our “sleep” and I felt like I could honestly conquer the world. This euphoric feeling lasted about five minutes and then I was exhausted. When I initially woke up, I thought it had only been about 10 minutes on that stage. To my disbelief, my watch said 10 o’clock, two hours since the show started. I had no memory of exactly what happened, but as people reminded me I started remembering. 

When Winters started the show he told the audience that you do not “blackout” or completely lose consciousness. He told us that you know what you are doing but you simply do not care how crazy it is. This is exactly how I can describe to people what it felt like to be hypnotized. I knew what I was doing, but it felt completely normal. I did not care how stupid I looked. If you ever have the chance to be hypnotized, I would HIGHLY recommend it. You won’t spill any secrets, thankfully, but you will have a lot of funny videos. 


  1. This is crazy!!! Wow. I remember going to this show my freshman year very skeptical about it actually working. But I sat there with my mouth open for half of the show in disbelief that people were actually hypnotized. It's one of my biggest fears to not be in control of my body and mind so I would never volunteer. But it seems like hypnosis the way you describe it is a fine line between being in control and just going with the flow of whatever you're told because in that state you don't care? It still sounds a little scary to experience for me but I know some people enjoy it and it definitely makes for an awesome show!

  2. I had the opportunity to see this show my freshman year and I had a few friends that got hypnotized, it was one of the funniest things that I have seen. Unfortunately, over the last three years the show has always been on the same night as a swim meet for me so I have not been able to go again. If I get the chance in the future I will definitely go back and watch again.

  3. I have heard many stories about the hypnotist. Unfortunately, I have not been able to attend one of the shows. Thank you for sharing your experience! It is really unique to hear what it felt like to be hypnotized. It is amazing how you lost track of time. Before reading this, I felt as if hypnotism was not real. I thought people only went along with it for attention. I can tell now that it is real! I am curious how it works. I hope that one day I will get the chance to be hypnotized!


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