Five Games to Bring to Your Next Game Night!

Game nights have become more and more popular in society. We now see board game cafes where people come solely to eat and choose from a variety of board games. I truly love board games. I think they are a great distraction from whatever is happening in real life and give you a chance to focus on something else. I do enjoy certain types of games though. Cards Against Humanity is fun and all, but I love challenging, strategy games. If you are like me and seek a challenging and somewhat difficult game, you need to buy these games ASAP.

Ticket to Ride: This game consists of a map of the United States and train routes connecting different cities. You are given tickets containing a route you must complete from point A to point B. Turns are made up of taking cards and claiming routes. This is one of my all-time favorite games. A reason why this game is considered challenging and strategic is because people will claim sections you needed for a route and essentially screw you over. 

Settlers of Catan: In my experience, people either love or hate this game. There is so much going on in one turn and if you start off on a bad note, the game could end badly for you. Basically, you build houses and cities with resources you collect. You can trade and bargain with other people to get different things you need. However, everyone is in it for themselves. There is also blocking in this game and “alliances” where someone refuses to trade with another for whatever reason. 

Pit: Oh my gosh this game is so exciting. This may not require as much strategy or be as difficult as the others, but it is one hell of a good time. This game gets loud and out of hand so be sure to plan ahead. This is a game consisted of trading and trading alone. You are given a handful of resources and you must collect nine of the same kind. You trade with other people by shouting “Two, Two, I got two.” Or three or four of the same type of resource. I have played so many times we modified the rules a touch. One someone collects all their resources you grab a spoon (like the card game spoons) and whoever does not grab a spoon loses. Honestly, this is a must-have in your game closet. 

Splendor: A game of coins, gems and cards. This game does not have a board but rather cards and coins. To win the game you must get to 15 points which is done by collecting certain cards. Honestly, this is really hard to explain without showing you. All you have to know is it goes quick once you get the hang of it and I promise, after your first game, you’ll want to play again. My boyfriend and I will play this game, one on one, during finals week when we need a break from studying. It’s a great way to take your mind off of school work but keep your brain active. 

Codenames: This game goes along with Pit in the challenging and strategic aspect. It is a game requiring thinking but not as much as the others. This is a game of partners where you must get your partner to pick a given word on the board but you can only give a one word clue. For example, if my word on the board was “Water” I might say to my partner “Wet for one.” This means there is one word on the board relating to my clue word, wet. You try to get your given words to link together using one clue word so your team completes the game quicker. People screw up and your clues are not as good as you think. You sound stupid, your partner gets frustrated but I swear, it’s loads of fun!  

I could go on and on because I love playing board games. The more thinking and strategy the better. Pair these games with snacks and drinks (of whatever type depending on your age) and you got yourself a Abby Brock approved game night. 


  1. I can honestly say the only game out of these that I have played is ticket to ride and that is because of you. It was definitely a great game and from the sounds of it, the rest of these are too. I would be interested in trying them because you made them sound like a lot of fun.

  2. Abby, I love the games you chose to include in this blog post. They are, without a doubt, the pillars of a good game night. There are, however, noticeable gaps in your collection— this includes, but is not limited to, Risk and Monopoly. Not only do both games require an insane amount of strategy, but they are also the perfect games to cause serious fights and end friendships. Who doesn't love a little drama and screaming? Not to mention firing up that one friend who take things a little too...seriously...

  3. This is such a great post! I am always looking for new board games to play. When I play with others, we can only play a game a few times before they get bored with it. That's because I am such a competitive player but also very bad at playing almost any board game imaginable. I am passionate but skill-less. I love Settlers of Catan, though. There are so many things that can happen in one game and things are constantly changing. My favorite board game is Betrayal at House on the Hill. The objective is to build a house room by room, gather items, and haunting cards. At an some point in the game, a haunting starts in the house and a monster enters to kill the explorers (or players) in the house. Each time you play, the house is different, the players can be different, and there are 50 different monsters that can come into the house. It gets intense. If you check the game out, tell me what you think! Thanks for sharing all these great games!


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