Things That Annoy Me

When asked on the spot, “What are your pet peeves?”, I never have a solid answer. So this week, I thought a fun blog post would be to write about things that annoy me. I have been trying to write down these things as they come to me and I think I have a solid list. 

Windshield wiper speed disproportional to the amount of rainfall 
Oh my goodness. I hate this. If it is drizzling, there is no need to have your wipers on the highest setting possible. It makes this obnoxious noise because the wipers have barely anything to wipe. Nope. I cannot stand this. Slow them down or just hit it manually if the rain is being weird. 

People who cannot do things for themselves 
Like I have mentioned many times before, I was forced to grow up really fast due to my mom passing away. I had to take on new roles in the house. I had to have really hard conversations with my dad, a 50-year old man who was being scolded by his daughter for many things he was doing wrong. So, I don’t get to call my mom for every waking thing and ask her how to do something. I was pretty independent before all of this, but I have become more aware of people around me. If you do not know how to order pizza for yourself, we have a serious problem. If you cannot get your homework done, by yourself, you shouldn’t be in college. People who are constantly relying on help from a friend, a girlfriend or even a parent to get their work done bug me beyond belief. Get your work done and stop looking for an easy way out. Figure out how to iron your clothes without calling your mom. I think college is an important aspect of a kids life because they are on their own and forced to do things on their own. But sometimes not everyone gets the big picture of this. 

I do not like gum. People who chew it and are obnoxious about chewing make me want to pull my hair out. I absolutely hate when people blow bubbles. Or when I look and someone is taking out this disgusting wad of gum and putting it on a napkin so they can save it for after they eat their muffin. I cannot even kiss Tommy if he has gum in his mouth. I can deal with the mint ones but anything fruity. Nope. Cannot do it. 

I cannot stand people who complain about “all the work they have to do” when it was their decision to take it on. I do many things on campus. But I do every one of them willingly because I think I can better the organization, the people or myself by doing so. Stop whining about everything you have to do and just do it. You took it on so you get to finish it too. I have a very “no bullshit attitude.” I have empathy and kindness for people don’t get me wrong. But when it’s time to buckle down and get stuff done, you better get it done. 

People who think they are better than everyone else 
I know many people like this. They have some imaginary crown on their head. They think they are better than me or anyone because of some fake judging criteria they made up. I just don’t think it is fair to walk around with your nose in the air. People live different lives. 
People are successful in different ways. People spend their free time in different ways. There is no need to put others down and make them feel bad about themselves just because you do or don’t do something different.

Disloyal Friends 
This is the top quality I have in a friend. I never knew how important this quality was until I experienced a person being disloyal to me. Ever since the situation occurred, the friendship has changed and I realized how much I value loyalty in a person. 


  1. This blog is so relatable, the windshield wiper thing is a huge pet peeve of mine. I remember going to Florida last year with a group of friends and one of my other friends was driving and had the wipers going after the rain had stop and I nearly yelled at him for it. Using wipers when it isn't neccessary just drives me crazy.

  2. When you first told me you wrote a blog on what annoys you I was so excited to read it and then when I read the section about gum and realized I chew gum next to you almost every class I was less excited. Not really, because I can agree with these so much and I think it's good to use a platform like this to discuss it and vent to get some feelings out. Most of my pet peeves are trivial but after reading yours I think I have a few new ones to add to mine.


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