Three things I am not

In one of my classes, the professors asks a Question of the Day. She enjoys hearing our answers and sometimes a conversation is derived from our answers. Normally they are thought provoking and I enjoy listening to what others have to say. The other day she asked us, “Tell me three things you are not.” This was a question her son was asked in an interview and he was completely thrown. As was I and the rest of the class. 

I said I am not patient. I am not needy. I am not pessimistic. 

The number one thing I thought of was my patience. I am not a patient person. I do not like waiting in lines. Cedar Point is awesome but I hate waiting in the lines. It is one of the main reasons I only go like once a summer because the lines kill me. I also see my patience tested when I am driving. All I am saying is people need to go faster or get out of the way. I also am a millennial, which means instant gratification is really important to me. I think when people are not on the same “level” as me I can get really impatient. I retain information pretty fast so when I have to repeat things for people or slow down I just get extremely frustrated. Even the smallest things like someone taking forever to respond to an email or text. I just do not have a lot of patience and I am really working on it. 

I am not needy. I am someone who does really well on her own. However, I am better when I have the ability to reach the people around me. For example, I transferred schools because I needed to be around people I knew. I was scared to be completely alone but once I am came to Northern I needed my alone time. In my relationship, I do not find myself to be very needy. Everyone has their moments where I want attention, but most of the time I like to be on my own and do my own thing. I am moving to Columbus for the summer and I am a little nervous to be far away from everyone but I also am excited to be completely on my own. I think after the year I had, getting away would be a good thing for myself. I also do not find myself needing approval of others. I used to value other people's opinion way too much. Since coming to college, I have become less dependent on those things. 

I am not pessimistic. I see the good in almost every situation. I have been run into the ground multiple times in my life but I refuse to let it break me. I will not sit around and mope about the awful things that happened or will happen. I appreciate not every situation can be spun into positivity. But I will always try to see the good. I cannot sympathize with people who are consumed with their pessimism. Life is truly beautiful and walking around with a black cloud over you is no way to live. With this idea, I am someone who falls seven and rises eight. I will not let myself stay on the ground. One of my greatest success is surviving my mom's passing. While I will never truly be over this, I did not let it break me. I took my classes, I finished school, I got jobs and I excelled in my professional life. Many people could never have lived life the same and I am one of those people. My life is changed and there is a permanent scar, but my mom was not someone to sit around while life kicked her in the gut and damned if I will be one of those people. 

What are three things you are not? 
