What I Miss About High School

Since my second year of college is coming to an end in a few weeks, I have been reflecting on those years and how much I have changed. College truly changes you. I am a different person than I was in high school. This caused me to think about my high school days and what I may miss or not miss about it. Join me as I reminisce on my times at Revere High. 

I went to a smallish school in Richfield, Ohio. Our graduating class was about 200 people and I, proudly, knew every single one of them. I love knowing the people around me which is probably why I am still at a small school. Revere is a close knit community and I am a proud alumni. When everything was happening with my mom, you do not understand the support the community had for our family. 

So I have many things I do not miss about high school and I will touch on those at the end but for now I will tell you what I do miss about my high school days. 

I miss my friends. I think this is one of the major things I miss about high school because college makes friendships grow apart. I had a really tight knit group of friends in high school. We were always together and had some of the best times together. But college tests your friendships. I, unfortunately, am not close with the majority of those girls and it sucks. Friendship is a two way street and college is giant construction jam on those roads. We check in every now and then but it still isn’t the same. I think people find themselves during college. They breakout of these “high school chains” and become who they want to be. God has a funny way of bringing people back into your life. Right now, I wish nothing but the best for my girls and I know I’ll see them again. 

I miss the sport events at my high school as well as being apart of a team. I played basketball all four years and I never thought I would miss it as much as I do. I miss my teammates and I miss the game. It was some of the best times in my life being apart of such an incredible sport. The sporting events at my high school were something I always enjoyed. I liked cheering, dressing to themes, chanting at the other schools. I don’t go to a big school so the games aren’t exactly the same as they were at Revere. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I miss the student section and just the joy everyone had when we won a big game. 

I miss how easy everything was in high school! It was so easy. My senior year I don’t remember doing anything. Even before senior year, I don’t remember ever studying as much as I do now. Everything just become more important in college. I think things came easier to me in high school and I didn’t have to study a whole lot to get good grades. I didn’t get a rude awakening in college though. I just changed. 

I don’t miss too much about high school. Looking back, I think it was actually really rough.  The petty, childish fights or arguments were ridiculous. I look back and realize those things I got really upset over were NEVER IMPORTANT. I think some people are still suck in high school in this regard. Sometimes they are more important things then being mad at someone. Life is so so short. Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Move on from it. There is so much growing up in college. People drift apart, people find themselves and people learn from their past. I am such a different person then I was in high school. I am more driven, more confident and more mature. 

I think high school sucked but I wouldn’t have wanted to do it anywhere else except my school. Thank you Revere. Once a minuteman, always a minuteman.


  1. I totally agree that college changes you and looking back on high school, sometimes I wonder how I ended up where I did. I miss high school a lot for many different reasons and sometimes I wish I could go back and relive those days just to experience them again. Thanks for making me reminisce on the old days and bringing me back for a second.

  2. I personally did not enjoy high school until my senior year for a variety of reasons. College has made me a better person, I think. I know when I look back at these four years there will be several things I miss, but I cannot say the same about high school. I'm glad you had a great high school experience and such great memories! You're pictures are all so amazing and remind me of the FEW aspects I miss!

  3. I am only in my freshman year and I can already see the change in me from high school to college. There are some times I do wish I could go back for things like football games and dances, but I also do not miss the classic high school drama. I loved seeing all your old pictures and reading about your life before college, it made me think about the difference college has made with me!


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