Friendships V. Situationships

As promised, I am back with another blog post. I honestly didn’t have time to write last week so I think I am going to try to stick to a schedule and post every Tuesday since today is Tuesday? Maybe?

I am a huge Taylor Swift fan. A “swiftie” if you will. And Taylor recently interviewed with Elle Magazine for an article titled,30 Things I Learned Before 30. I am going to highlight one of the lessons she learned and talk about how this has affected me.

Taylor writes, “Learning the difference between lifelong friendships and situationship. Something about “we’re in our young twenties!” hurls people together into groups that can feel like your chosen family. And maybe they will be for the rest of your life. Or maybe they’ll just be your comrades for an important phase, but not forever. It’s sad but sometimes when you grow, you outgrow relationships. You may leave behind friendships along the way, but you’ll always keep the memories.”

This really hits home for me in tons of different reasons so thank you Taylor Swift. You never seem to fail me.

I have met some really amazing people in my life. I have also met people who only lasted in my life for a short blurp. Then there are those friends I never see yet feel like time stopped and we pick back up where we left off. It is strange to think about how all of these different relationships impacted my life. So since reading this article, I have started to think about certain relationships. Is this a true friendship or is it time to let go of this “bond” and realize this person was only meant to be in my life for a given time.

However, I do have people in my life who were once my whole world. We did and shared everything together. Now, they are just a person whose photos I like on social media and occasionally wonder “what are they up to?” It is strange how someone who once held my entire heart in their hand, now has no idea what my life is like. The word “outgrow” really seems fitting for those situationships. At one point, this relationship was everything to me but as I grew, you grew too, but we didn’t grow together. I am thankful for those friends who stood with me through:

The tomboy phase
the “I don’t wear jeans” phase
the lack of a using a hair brush phase
the aeropostale phase
the fat phase
the brunette phase
the skinny phase
the blonde phase
the independent phase
the "I'm fine" phase
and now the trying to figure it all out phase.

So it pegs the question for myself, when does a friendship become a situationship? When do I let go of this sense of loyalty and realize this relationship is no longer the same? I am slowly starting to see that line more clearly. But I think the most important part of Taylors advice is “you’ll always keep the memories.” Despite everything, friendship or situationship, those memories are always there. I will always laugh about “that one time..” Or smile when I come across an old photo. Because even though we went our separate ways, this relationships turned me into the person I am today. I am stronger, wiser, brighter, better, for knowing you.

So I’m not sure if any of this made sense. But I appreciate you making it this far. Situationships v. Friendships is a tough concept to grasp but maybe it is time for you to evaluate those relationships in your life.

Disclaimer: blogger will not let me select a thumbnail for each blog post unless it is included in the actual post. So please enjoy the awesome photos my friend Aaron Sharp (@sharpsspace) took of me for the blog!
